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Development and Creation of Internal Company System

DesignConsultationWeb ApplicationsMobile ApplicationsDigitization


Development of Internal Company Systems

At Pixelmate, we focus on custom development of internal company systems. Mainly small and medium-sized companies use the option of having their own system as a competitive advantage. Almost everyone who rents a large information system regularly encounters its limits, and especially the fact that a company almost always has specific needs and requirements. More and more companies are digitizing their business and having a custom internal system created.

Most Common Benefits of a Custom System

  • Ability to address specific requirements and issues within the company
  • Increased efficiency
  • Better management of people in the field and at branches
  • Effective communication with clients
  • Easier acquisition of new clients
  • Reducing bureaucracy within the company


Most Common Industries

  • Transport companies
  • Manufacturing companies
  • Trading companies
  • Assembly companies
  • Logistics companies
  • B2C


When Investment in a Custom Company System Pays Off

We most often develop company systems for small and medium-sized companies. Investment in the system usually ranges from lower hundreds of thousands of crowns to a few million. The development of the system is usually phased over several stages. Custom systems are most often requested by companies that want close communication with their clients or want to address specific issues within the company. A typical client is, for example, a service company that sends its employees to clients. The employee records data into the internal system, sends the data directly to the headquarters where it can be processed immediately and feedback provided. Another common example is a B2C company that wants to maintain close contact with its clients and does not want to spend significant amounts on advertising. For such companies, we develop mobile applications that allow individual communication between the client and the company. Last but not least, it is worthwhile to develop internal systems in industries where there is high pressure on efficiency. We help reduce repetitive and administrative positions.


Most Common Modules in Custom Company Systems

  • Mobile applications for field workers
  • Client databases
  • Contract management
  • Displaying data to clients
  • Payment options
  • Task management
  • File management
  • Document signing
  • Analytics and data mining
  • Internal company communication
  • Integration with external software - accounting systems, CRM, ERP, etc.
  • Integration with AI
Pixelmate s.r.o.

Where to Next?

We develop mobile applications
We create web applications
We digitize companies
We help startups
We have our own design studio
We create business strategies

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