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Mobile or web application?

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One of the most common issues our clients deal with is choosing the right platform. Should it be a mobile app or a web app? Should it be a web responsive app?
The answers to these questions are not simple and definitely need a project-by-project assessment. But we take the liberty of offering a few insights today in the next installment of the startup guide.

1, You don't have to start with a web and mobile app at the same time
  • For most projects, this is neither efficient nor necessary. Just think carefully about where your users are likely to be, when and how often they are likely to need your service, and decide accordingly. 
  • Even large and well-known projects started out mobile-only or web-only and only later got a second platform.

2, Is a non-responsive web app enough for me?
  • Today, in fact, it's not enough anymore. 
  • Internet use today is largely through mobile phones, and these numbers are growing unstoppably every year. 
  • The days when you was ok with a web app that wasn't mobile-friendly are long gone.

3, We often see the opposite view
  • "We must have a mobile app at all costs, let it be a copied web app, but let it be downloadable from the App store". We don't really recommend this approach either. 
  • If you want a mobile app, it shouldn't be a "copycat" of the web. The app should have a purpose and a reason. 
  • There should be a reason why it is a mobile app. Otherwise, you run the risk of the app not being approved by Apple or Google, and worse, users don't like it if you force them to download a non-value-added app on their phone.

4, Beware of various hybrid solutions, wrapped apps, sites that masquerade as mobile apps, and others
  • Nowadays, when users are becoming more and more knowledgeable, using professional apps and the biggest apps in the world, various substitute and imitation apps are rather laughable.

Common sense is often enough to choose a platform. People will often use an in-house system more through a web app, and on mobile they typically use social networks. However, the two worlds sometimes blur quite a bit, so it's a good idea to consult an expert before making a final decision.

We'd be happy to answer your questions about the project.
Contact us to discuss. 💙

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